What is Adhesion Release?
Adhesion release is a surgical procedure to remove the adhesions. Adhesions are scar tissues that hold two organs together. Scar tissues can occur anywhere in the body when it tries to heal itself from infection, surgery, trauma or radiation. They cause pain and obstruct the functioning of the organ.
Why does a patient need Adhesion Release?
Adhesions are more common in abdomen. They are usually formed in response to an abdominal surgery or injury. If adhesions are not treated properly, they lead to other conditions
like blockages, along with pain and discomfort. For instance, adhesions in small intestines can obstruct their movement and disrupt bowel moments. When adhesions start causing severe pain or discomfort, they need to be treated by a surgery.
What are the different types of Adhesion Release?
To treat adhesions, the surgeon performs one of the two common surgical procedures – laparoscopy and laparotomy. The treatment is chosen based on the symptoms the patient is experiencing and his medical history.
Laparoscopy: The surgeon makes multiple small incisions around the area of adhesions. He then inserts a laparoscope attached to a camera into the body through one of the small holes. Using the images from the camera, the surgeon confirms the presence and location of adhesions. He will then cut and release the scarred tissue using special tools inserted into the body through the remaining incisions.
Laparotomy: This procedure is also called celiotomy. The surgeon makes a larger incision to get access to the abdominal cavity and see the adhesions. He will than treat the tissue and closes the incision with stitches.